There's nothing like a bout with illness to make you really appreciate good health. I've just endured one of those horrific (but thankfully, brief) 24 hour bugs. It was quite dreadful. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. You know, the kind of sick where you stay in bed all day long and can't eat anything. Yuck! I actually still haven't eaten anything today, other than a few saltine crackers, but that's more out of fear than anything else, because I feel MUCH better today. Which is good, because today is my birthday! I wasn't really looking forward to the big 28, but with the last day of 27 being such a fiasco, I must say things are looking up! :)
Mark and Kate surprised me with a birthday gift this morning. I say "surprised" because Mark really wanted to get me a watch for my birthday, but wanted me to help pick it out (smart man) and since we haven't found the chance to go watch shopping yet, I wasn't expecting anything today. But he surprised me with the 7th Season Gilmore Girls DVD set, the only one missing from my collection, as well as two incredibly sweet cards, one from him and one from Kate, as well as the promise to go watch shopping soon!
We're headed off to a local bluegrass festival for the rest of the day, which promises to be fun. Mark plays at 5:30, but serves as emcee for the rest of the day, so we have to be there before noon. Should be a fun way to bring in a new year!