I suppose at first glance these photos may look rather dreary, but I can't begin to tell you how grateful we are for the sweet, steady rain that has settled in for the day. The past month or better has been blazing hot and dry around here. The garden and pasture have been parched. We don't really have a lawn, but if we did, based on other folks', it would be dry and brown too. So, this rain is a welcome respite from all that dry, dusty heat. Not only for the ground and the plants, but also for the soul. Kate and I have spent the day with the door open to the porch, enjoying the cool gentle breeze brought on by the rain, and listening as it spatters down on the roof, making the most delightful sound. I do love a tin roof, especially on rainy days. It's been a day of knitting, working puzzles, reading, and simmering a batch of chicken broth on the stove. This evening we will venture out to my grandmother's house for a basketweaving lesson, but fortunately she lives less than five minutes from here. I'm a bit old womanish myself when it comes to driving in the rain. Hoping you are finding comfort and happiness in your weather as well.
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